11-15 June 2006, Istanbul, TURKEY



IEEE ICC 2006 Paper Submission Guidelines


Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere can be submitted. Full papers are required for review.

Do not wait until the last minute to upload your paper. A high volume of activity typically occurs near the deadline NO EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED FOR PAPER SUBMISSIONS. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE TO THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE OR ITS CHAIRS SEEKING EXTENSIONS. SUCH EMAILS WILL NOT BE REPLIED TO.

Authors MUST submit their papers electronically using EDAS. A link is provided to the EDAS web site at the end of this page. In the EDAS software, you will be asked to select one of the nine symposia for ICC 2006:

1)  General
2)  Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
3)  Next Generation Mobile Networks
4)  Wireless Communications
5)  Communication Theory
6)  Optical Systems and Networks
7)  Network Security and Information Assurance
8)  Signal Processing for Communications
9)  Communications QoS, Reliability and Performance Modelling


The submission process involves the following three steps:


 Creation of a personal account on EDAS (if the author does not already have



 Registration of the paper (requiring a title and short abstract of up to 150 words) 

 Note: Be certain to provide information for all authors including affiliation and country

 when you register the manuscript. Otherwise, the author listing will be incomplete in

 all web and print listings of the technical program.

3.  Upload of the paper. Only in pdf format.

Papers must be written in English. Preferred maximum paper length is 6 printed pages including figures. Accepted papers that are longer than 6 pages will be charged with an over-length fee of $100 per page for the 7th and 8th pages. Under no circumstances may any submission exceed 8 pages. Papers in excess of 8 pages shall not be considered for review or publication. Use the sample manuscript as a visual aid for formatting. Note that as shown in the sample, the first page of the manuscript must include the title, authors, and abstract. IEEE editorial and typographical standards are described in “Information for IEEE Authors” by the IEEE Publications Department. All company clearance and approvals should be obtained prior to submission.


All paper submissions will be carefully reviewed by at least three experts who provide comments and ratings according to the following criteria:

1)  Relevance/Timeliness/Utility (appropriateness for the conference and symposium)
2)  Technical Contribution (content, logic, development, etc.)
3)  Quality of Content (originality, novelty, completeness, references, etc.)
4)  Quality of Presentation (organization, grammar, language, graphics, etc.)


For each manuscript, reviewers will rate each criterion with a score from 1 to 5 and will provide written feedback. Written comments and accompanying ratings will be the main factors in the acceptance decision. Format requirements and acceptance decisions will be made by the chairs of the respective symposia. Symposia Chairs may reject manuscripts for severe formatting or English deficiencies and may re-assign manuscripts to other symposia at their discretion.

Authors will be notified of acceptance and given a chair’s summary of reviewer comments to ensure the high quality of the accepted papers. Accepted manuscripts should be revised per the comments and final camera-ready papers be submitted by the deadline. The accepted papers, depending on their number versus conference rooms’ availability, may be split among orally presented and poster presented papers without any relation to the paper evaluation process and without any distinction as far as printing in the proceedings is concerned. The authors must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference and that one presenter must register at the FULL or LIMITED rate per IEEE ComSoc policy. For authors presenting multiple papers, one FULL or LIMITED registration is valid for up to three papers. Copyright forms will be required for accepted papers. Authors from countries outside Turkey should not delay in making VISA arrangements for entry into Turkey if needed. Such arrangements are the responsibility of authors and other participants. See the VISA information link on this website for further information and to request a VISA assistance letter.


For questions concerning manuscript submission, contact the . For questions concerning technical content, symposia, etc, contact the appropriate symposia chair or the as appropriate.

ICC 2006 Technical Paper Key Dates
     25 September 2005; 11:59 PM - Paper Submission Deadline
     31 December 2005 - Paper Acceptance Notification
     15 February 2006 - Final Papers Due

For paper submission, please click on the following text:

ICC2006 paper submission





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